ICGA Turniere

Turniere zwischen computer programme: Schach, Draughts, Checkers, Go, Backgammon, und mehr
Start / London 1980 / Third PCW Exhibition

Third PCW Exhibition

This event is also known as "3rd Personal Computer World" exhibition.
Note 1:
"1st Personal Computer World" exhibition was held in the West Centre Hotel in London in 1978 and won by "Mike" before Boris, Chess Challenger, Microchess2.0, Fafner and Cocma.
Note 2:
"2nd Personal Computer World" exhibition was held in London 1-3 Nov. 1979 and won by Sargon 2.0 before Vega, Mychess, Tiny Chess 86, Mike II, Voice Challenger, Max, Delta(UK) and Wizard.