ICGA Tournaments

Tournaments between computer programs: chess, draughts, checkers, Go, backgammon, and more
Home / Pamplona 2009 / Loan Hardware

Loan Hardware

Our hosts in Pamplona are making available a number of desktop PCs and laptops for use by the participants.

The specification is as follows:


    Processor:          Intel Core 2 QUAD Q8200 (2,33GHz)
    Ram                 2 x 2GB KINGSTON
    Hard drive          SEAGATE 500GB S-ATA
    Graphics accelerator card  G-Force 8400GS / 512Mb PCI-E
    Operative           System Windows Vista 64b
    Lan                 Integrated in motherboard 
    Lan                 2 PCI wi-fi
    Keyboard            Logitech USB
    Mouse               Logitech óptico USB
    Monitor             19”-20”

The Windows OS has to be Vista 64b since W. Xp is not officially provided anymore.

Please advise us as soon as you enter whether or not you will need the loan of one of these computers. There are about 30 machines available in total, and they will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, with priority given to participants in the WCCC.

Anyone wishing to use a loan machine but with a different O/S, please advise us of the details as soon as posisble. Our hosts will make every effort to assist, and the more time they have to make the necessary arrangements the more likely it will be that they can cater for a different O/S.