ICGA トーナメント

コンピュータプログラム同士の大会: チェス、チェッカー、囲碁、将棋、バックギャモン、など。



Jonathan Schaefferengine programmer


Phoenix 1989チェス, 1995, シャーティン242.05
Sun Phoenixチェス, 1989, エドモントン242.55
Sun Phoenixチェス, 1986, コローニュ224.05
チェス, 1983, ニューヨーク222.55


Description given in 1995:

The Phoenix program was an active participant in the 1980's computer chess tournaments and tied for first place in the 1986 World Championships. The program competing this year is essentially the same as that which competed in the 1989 World Computer Chess Championships. Phoenix's participation in the 1995 championships will serve as a benchmark for measuring improvements in the field. Phoenix will be running on an HP 9000/720 with 64MB RAM, which will be comparable to that used by most participants, and therefore the primary difference will be in the software. Expectations are that the software advances in the last 6 years will allow the other programs to move past Phoenix '89 in the final standings. Perhaps the best possible outcome would have Phoenix finishing in last place, providing some experimental evidence of the progress in the field!