ICGA Turniere
Turniere zwischen computer programme: Schach, Draughts, Checkers, Go, Backgammon, und mehr
Team Mitglieder
Description given in 2010:
- first version 0.1 released in January 2010
- supporting winboard protocol
- latest stable version: 0.3 (ELO about 2390), available at http://darczech.ovh.org/lpps/
- latest version: 0.5 (ELO about 2560) - currently testing
- version 1.0 release planning at August 2010
- written in c++, all source code was implemented by myself (not based by any other authors)
- alpha-beta searching with null-move prunning, quiescence search and history based move ordering
- bitboard-based legal moves generator
- opening book generated from grandmaster games (about 4.6M positions)
- hash table with special replacement algorithm
- simple evaluation function (mobility, piece-square and free pawns only), will be improve in near future