ICGA Tournaments

Tournaments between computer programs: chess, draughts, checkers, Go, backgammon, and more

Graz 2003, Dots and Boxes, Games

Round 11Control Freak1 Deep Beige0 ViewDownload
2Deep Beige0 Control Freak1 ViewDownload
3Control Freak0 Deep Beige1 ViewDownload
4Deep Beige1 Control Freak0 ViewDownload
5Dame Po0 Deep Beige1 ViewDownload
6Deep Beige0 Dame Po1 ViewDownload
7Dame Po0 Deep Beige1 ViewDownload
8Deep Beige0 Dame Po1 ViewDownload
9Dame Po0 Control Freak1
10Control Freak1 Dame Po0
11Dame Po0 Control Freak1
12Control Freak1 Dame Po0